Prateek Kumar

Tic-Tac-Toe-Game HTML Archived
Fork Star

A two player tic tac toe game.

Bookbay-IDP HTML Archived
Fork Star

Bookbay (Not maintained anymore)

BookbayApp Java Archived
Fork Star

Bookbay Android App (Not maintained anymore)

TicTacToe Java Archived
Fork Star

A tic tac toe game for android.

infero-spoj-solutions C++ Archived
Fork Star

Solved some challenges in SPOJ (Competitive Coding)

BullsAndCows Java Archived
Fork Star

Android Game

Chess Java Archived
Fork Star

Two player Chess for android (Incomplete, abandoned)

couchdbjs JavaScript MIT Archived
Fork Star

A node client for couchdb. Download v1.1.2 from npm which works with CouchDB v1.6. (Not maintained anymore)

K-means-cluster HTML MIT Archived
Fork Star

K-means Clustering implementation on random points in 2D plane

mips-simulator C++ Archived
Fork Star

Simulator for mips assembly language.

apvquiz Go Archived
Fork Star

Multiplayer Online Quizzing Application

apvquiz-client C++ Archived
Fork Star

Multithreaded quiz app - Client

haskell-go-checkers Haskell MIT Archived
Fork Star

Go and checkers game in Haskell

minix-semaphore C MIT Archived
Fork Star

Semaphore Implementation in Minix 3

go-battleship JavaScript MIT
Fork Star

Multiplayer Battleship Game in Go

website-jekyll HTML MIT Archived
Fork Star

Jekyll version of my website. (This is the old website, now I have switched to Hugo.)

github-showcase-theme CSS MIT
Fork Star

Theme to list github repos.

timetableiith TypeScript MIT Archived
Fork Star

Timetable @ IIT Hyderabad. Generate timetable in iCal format, host it on Github pages and sync with Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook. Note: It can take up to 24 hours for Google Calendar and up to 3 hours for Microsoft Outlook to sync with the hosted iCal file.

cuHines C++ Archived
Fork Star

Copy of repo at

isl C MIT
Fork Star

Mirror of

piplib C LGPL-2.1
Fork Star

Mirror of

NIWO C++ Archived
mailc C++ MIT Archived
Fork Star

A C++ client for IMAP and SMTP using socket programming.

Homepage TeX MIT Archived
Fork Star

Personal website. Deployed on

hugo-academic HTML MIT
Fork Star

This is fork. See original reposiory

SABNA-Release C++ MIT Archived
Fork Star

Original Source

countdown HTML MIT
Fork Star

Countdown timer

CS6510-Assignments Jupyter Notebook Archived
Fork Star

CS6510 Applied Machine Learning Assignments

CS5480-Assignments Jupyter Notebook Archived
Fork Star

CS5480 Deep Learning Assignments

circnn Shell Archived
cpputils C++ MIT
Fork Star

C++ utils library

watchfs TypeScript MIT
Fork Star

Filesystem watcher

Homepage JavaScript
Fork Star

Dedicated to JavaScript and its awesome community since 2015

Homepage MIT
Fork Star

Source code for my personal website

blog_os Rust
Fork Star

OS in Rust

sudoku_solver Rust MIT
Fork Star

Sudoku Solver using SAT Solver

grcov TypeScript MIT
Fork Star

📈 GitHub Action for code coverage reporting with grcov
